Selasa, 01 Desember 2015

Big Square

Big square is one of the best places to visit in kapuas. Kapuas people like to visit big square because it has good view. There are  many miniature  such as orang utan's miniature  and hous miniature. Kpuas square has water park and so many flowers in kapuas big square. That is make interested the visitors people like to visit big square and they like to take a picture because it. Most of people if pass kapuas square they will be stop and take a picture for a finance. I think big square is good place to visit in Kapuas

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  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

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  3. Hi Tifah ! Your writing paragraph so far so good. The first, in paragraph has a topic sentence that states the controlling ideas. Between one sentence to the next sentence is related. Secondly, all of the sentences in this paragraph are about one topic. It is about big square. But, you must attention about idented. Idented is six spaces or tab stop position in a paragraph.
    For example :
    Big Square

    Big square is one of the best places to visit in Kapuas. Kapuas people like to visit big square because it has good view. And bla bla bla bla.... (Like this)
    Don’t forget about Idented Tifah    

  4. Hi Tifah I want to comment on the paragraph that you make.
    The first I want to comment on the title of the paragraph, in a paragraph that title should be in the middle, while the title of the paragraph that you made was beside.
    And the last I want to comment on the first sentence of the paragraph that you make. in a good paragraph should first sentence of the paragraph should be indented but in your paragraph not indented and aligned with the sentence that was in the second line of the paragraph.
